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Judicial Officers from Northern Uganda Undergo HIV/AIDS Training.
Group Photo: Judicial Officers that participated in the HIV/AIDS training in Northern Uganda

The Judicial Training Institute (JTI) in collaboration with Uganda AIDS Commission(UAC) and Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) is conducting a one-day non-residential training of a selected group of 40 Judicial officers from the Northern part of Uganda on Rights Responsive Legal Enforcement for HIV and Key populations especially on stigma and discrimination as they seek justice services at Boma Hotel Limited, Gulu City.

The training running under the theme: "Saying No to Stigma and Discrimination. Reshaping mindsets in the Area of HIV/AIDS" was officially opened by Justice Phillip Odoki, Senior Resident Judge Gulu Circuit.

He said that the training was intended to shape a more positive response to key populations as a driver towards ending HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by2030 by ensuring that no one is left behind in accessing justice services.

He called upon participants to pay attention to the different presenters in order to align the law and help persons with HIV fight violations, issues of stigma and discrimination.

Justice Phillip appreciated JTI, Uganda AIDS Commission and MakSPH for making it possible for this engagement to take place, he was optimistic and confident that the training would give participants an opportunity to share experiences hence come up with best practices on how to handle such cases.

The Director Uganda Aids Information Centre Dr. Daniel Byamukama while giving welcome remarks informed the participants that the training would emphasize the understanding of the role the justice system plays in facilitating Uganda to achieve its commitment of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 which is expected to later lead to enhanced trust and confidence of key populations in the justice system.

He however said that a number of things were standing in the way of achieving this, ie stigma which he believed would be avoided by not using the law against these people if all JLOS actors cooperated in this drive.

"With our objectives being how you get everybody with HIV access treatment, since a number of them are not on treatment and ensuring that those who have accesses to treatment take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor." He said while making a call on all JLOS actors to help them achieve the objectives. 

He also revealed that HIV prevalence remains high among key populations at 33%among sex workers, 15% among prisoners and 17% among people who inject and use drugs.

The training is also aimed at being a catalyst for positive change, fostering amore effective and sensitive legal system in Uganda particularly tackling unconscious bias/stigma against key populations who include sex workers, people who use and inject drugs, and incarcerated persons.

Participants are being tipped on topics such as; findings from the Legal Environment Assessment, Human rights principles and practices ,Legal Policy Framework on HIV, Sharing experiences: Institutional Practices on HIV by Dr. Zahara Nampewo(Deputy Principal Makerere University School of Law) and Dr George Tumusinze, Programme Manager Key Population Civil Society Organisation (KPCSO)Programme.

Also,in attendance is the Executive Director Judicial Training Institute, Lady Justice Damalie N Lwanga, the Registrar JTI, HW Prossy Katushabe and non-Judicial staff from JTI, UAC and MakSPH.

HW Mulalira Faisal Umar, Deputy Registrar of the Judicial Training institute is moderating the training.

Posted 15th, August 2024
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